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Keys for the monitoring and evaluation of social programs

In this publication we want to share with you some keys on how private organizations and civil society can monitor and evaluate their social and cultural projects and programs, as a fundamental element for questioning and feedback from the organizations themselves and those that finance them.

This text includes the existing gaps in the social and cultural sectors and in terms of the effectiveness of their investment in social and cultural programs and projects for the communities, as well as the characteristics of the systems and processes necessary to support them. organizations that consider monitoring and evaluation important in their management work.

"La praxis investigativa es una clase de afecciĆ³n alegre, pues acrecienta ā€“en lugar de disminuirā€“ nuestra potencia de actuar"
Mauricio VĆ©lez.

The approach to this research, carried out by the observatory OCCULUS, provides relevant bases for the accompaniment and training of initiatives of the cultural and social sectors that are interested in strengthening their management and expanding their horizons of incidence.


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