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Network of

Visual Arts

Network of

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts Network of Medellín (RAV) is a program of the Secretariat of Citizen Culture of the Mayor's Office of Medellín, operated from 2012 to 2018 by Casa Tres Patios, implementing its pedagogical methodology: Common Creation Laboratories. The RAV provides spaces for the comprehensive training of boys, girls and adolescents who are between 8 and 18 years of age and inhabit urban and rural areas of the city, motivating them to create, and in that sense, develop their subjectivity through tools pedagogical and artistic. Learn about the publications of the Visual Arts Network here.



  • Encourage critical thinking, learning by doing and creativity as an enabling axis of new ways of relating to the other, with the territory, with the community, with the city.

  • Implement the pedagogical model Laboratorios Comunes de Promoción to empower participants to contribute to the construction of a culture of peace in Medellín, through an active and critical practice of citizenship.

  • Strengthen the political and civic training of the participants, by allowing them to be part of actions that transform their close environment



2012                                                                      2013                                                   

Sites:4, Participants: 720, Facilitators: 9         Sites:38, Participants: 890, Talleristas: 20 

2014                                                                      2015 

Sites:36, Participants: 720, Talleristas: 12     Sites:39, Participantes:720, Creativos: 14 

2016                                                                      2017 

Sites:30, Participantes: 720, Talleristas: 10     Sites:18, Participantes: 660, Talleristas: 6 


Sites: 10, Participantes: 207, Talleristas: 5       


Project history


In 2012, Casa Tres Patios integrates its experience and interest in the creation of collaborative knowledge in the Visual Arts Network of Medellín, a project that seeks to transform artistic education into citizen training and is carried out in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Medellín. This proposal emphasizes the formation of citizens in the context of Medellín, a diverse city.

Network of visual arts per year: 

The place for peace (2018)

The Network of Plastic and Visual Arts is part of the Networks of artistic and cultural training, a project with a long tradition in the city of Medellín and in constant renewal. This project seeks to mobilize children and young people towards the development of capacities that favor their human development, with the purpose of influencing the construction of their identities, their ways of conceiving the world, their country, their city, and their relationships .

The city - The people's laboratory (2017)

In Jordi Borja's book La Ciudad Conquistada allusion is made to the city as "a public space, an open and significant place where all kinds of flows converge". We could say, then, that in that open and significant place our lives pass and with it the individual and collective expressions that account for our identity.

Mutating organism (2016)

Five years ago the proposal of the Visual Arts Network was to generate reflections on citizenship. It is not free that the general objective in 2016 is similar: to strengthen the citizenship training of children and young people in the city of Medellín. Considering the fact that the general objective of the beginning of the project and this year are the same, it is appropriate to explain the metaphor of the mutation of an organism used for the title of this book because, although the objective is the same, the transformation processes that have determined the current state of the Visual Arts Network and the pedagogical methodology: Common Creation Laboratories (LCC) have evolved.

Transforming voices (2015)

... looking back and learning from the path traveled is the object of methodological reflection in 2015, with the intention of laying the foundations, methodologically conceptualizing the project and continuing to explore to enrich its ways of weaving relationships and building the city.

The unknown (2014)

In 2014 our work was animated by questioning, critical reflection, free thinking and dialogue. We set out to unknow to open paths to new knowledge, to confront nothingness, emptiness, the vision of the “world upside down” through the experience and creative unfolding of each one of the participants.


Maria del Rosario Escobar Pareja, Secretary of Citizen Culture of Medellín

Common phenomena (2013)

The Creative Comunal Laboratories (LCC) of the Medellín Visual Arts Network (RAV) for the year 2013, were framed as a latent possibility and continue to play with a set of subjects and materials, which shaped a compound of sensations and experiences. To that extent, they allowed art to be experienced as defined by Sauvagnargues, a “geography, territorial and expressive transformation”.


The LCCs are a proposal for individual and collective intervention and creation in which boys, girls and young people from the 16 communes and 5 townships of Medellín take place as participants, creatives from various disciplines and experiences, of local, national and international origin. and diverse communities according to the contexts in which the creative workshops take place.

Transformations (2012)

This book is a collection of images, reflections and stories that testify to the most essential aspects of the project, beginning with Casa Tres Patios' own reflection, where the relationship between the concept of the RAV and the philosophy that has guided our work is established ; a relationship that gives a new dimension to our own vision, by increasing awareness of our environment, confirming our commitment to an innovative educational program.

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