Incubator for Social Initiatives
Incubator for Social Initiatives
Taking into account informed decisions that are fed back from the investigations of the first line and the exchange of knowledge with different social actors (community leaders, ethnic and sexual minorities, victims of the armed conflict, among others), line two will provide solutions to problems of diverse nature in the communities through participatory research and cultural strategies that start from scratch. In this way, we put academic knowledge on social research and creative processes at the disposal of the communities, to diagnose, design and support in a participatory way, the beginning of initiatives and projects that bet on the solution of collective problems and the closure of gaps for social change. For this reason, the following activities are proposed to develop this line:
Creation of communication channels and spaces for constant dialogue with community leaders and social associations.
Use of research methodologies with participatory approaches so that the various social actors are articulated as co-researchers.
Design of intervention strategies to the problems identified in the research.
Establishment of bridges between public or private organizations and communities to scale the solution of problems.