Help us to change lives
We can do it with your support
Support our work
You can help the Casa Tres Patios Foundation to promote social justice in Medellín and Colombia.
By helping our organization and programs, you are helping to create a more just and equal society. Our programs are designed to provide the knowledge and skills that individuals and organizations need to make critical decisions and take actions that will affect the way they participate in building their lives, communities, and society.
By supporting our organization and programs you will be contributing to the creation of a more just and equal society in Colombia. Our programs are designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed by individuals and organizations to make critical decisions and take actions that will affect the way that they participate in the building of their lives, communities and society.
Yes! I want to donate to help create a more just society in Colombia.
All donations collected hereby are facilitated by the fiscal sponsorship of Caring for Colombia , a 501 (c). (3) organization in the US, and the Givelively donation platform. Donations paid in this way qualify for tax benefits under US law. All donors will receive a tax deductible receipt.
All donations collected by this means are made by the fiscal sponsorship of Caring for Colombia , a 501 (c). (3) organization in the USA and the Givelively donation platform. Donations paid in this way qualify for tax benefits under US law. All donors will receive a tax deductible receipt.
Direct donations to our BA NCOLOMBIA account
To make your donation directly from your Bancolombia account, you can register our account:
No. 097 4305607 5
Branch Villa Nueva, Medellín
This account is in the name of the CASA TRES PATIOS FOUNDATION with NIT: 900182237-3.
Once you make your transfer, FOLLOW THIS LINK TO FILL OUT THE FORM . You can also schedule your periodic donation through the Bancolombia Virtual Branch. If you have any problems or additional questions, contact
If you prefer another type of donation, please email us at
If you prefer to make a donation of another amount, recurring or in kind, write to