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Sebastian Restrepo in Casa Tres Patios


Sebastian Restrepo


  • Period of residence: June - July 2014

  • Experimentation topics:   "Three quotes and a vague note"



In 2006 he received the First Prize of the II National Specialized Visual Arts Hall - National Drawing Room of the National Culture Awards of the University of Antioquia. In 2010 he graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín as a Master in Plastic Arts. In 2011 he received the First Prize of the Third Biennial of Plastic Arts Comfenalco and the First Prize of the Departmental Hall of Visual Arts Professional Category. In 2012 he participated in the 14th Regional Salon of Artists: From the window to the inside of the window to the outside.

He has exhibited in different exhibitions since 2006, among which the following stand out: Drawings at Taller Siete, Small Format at the El Castillo Museum, Espejito Espejismos at Casa Tres Patios, La luz cala por el vano -his first individual exhibition- at Taller Seven, Chronicles in the Contemporary Art Room of the National University of Colombia Medellín Headquarters, Tribute to Jhon Cage Master of Azar planned, Thresholds at the Eafit University Cultural Center, On the horizon of Cano, also at the Eafit University Cultural Center, Cassus solo exhibition at the Héctor González Mejía Room of the Comfenalco La Playa Medellín Club, and Rephrasing Memory at the Photography Center in Amsterdam, Holland. He participated as a guest artist at the 43 (inter) National Artists' Hall. Lives and works in Medellín.

In the CuBO.X

Three quotes and a vague note

The ideal game

"What I wanted to say," said the Dodo in an offended tone, "is that the best way to dry us would be a committee race."

-What is that about a career in committee? ...

-Wow! said the Dodo. The best way to explain it will be by doing it ...

The first thing he did was draw a track for the race, more or less in a circle ("the exact shape doesn't matter too much," he said), and then the whole group settled down here and there. Nobody started with the usual "At one, two and three! Now!", But each one began to run when they wanted, so it was difficult to know when the race was going to end. However, after having been running for about half an hour and all of them were already very dry, the Dodo suddenly exclaimed: "The race is over!", And everyone anxiously gathered around him, panting and asking stubbornly: "¿¿ But who, who has won?

(In Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll).

Experiment without truth

If the performance of a scientific experiment can be defined with the question: Under what conditions can a thing be verified or not verified, be true or false? That of this other kind of experiment - the experiment without truth - answers the question: Under what conditions can such a thing be verified or / and not verified, be no more true than false? Only in an experience that has thus disconnected all relation to the truth.

(In Bartleby or contingency, Giorgio Agamben).

What is the nature of an experimental action?

It is simply an action the result of which cannot be anticipated.

(Jhon Cage).

I'm a loser

I'm a loser baby

So why don't you kill me?

(Beck in Loser)

Start in several places, have different OUTPUTS. It is written here to try, without necessarily getting anywhere. Project a list and then see if it starts from some coordinate, maybe START. So you have different exits, but you start at the beginning. Ideally, it should not be given from a first point and then proceed to relate it to three dozen or fewer points. This output is chosen randomly. There are no hierarchies. It could have been any of these. (You have to start with all of them). Saying that with that we enter the game is something that cannot be avoided.

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