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Joint residences

Anchor 6

Image by Francisco Cifuentes (2015).

With Flora Ars + natura

Since 2014, the Fundación Fraternidad Medellín created a bridge between CasaTresPatios and FLORA ars + natura, an artistic center located in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.

Through a public and annual call, we invite artists from Antiquity who want, simultaneously, to participate in the Escuela FLORA academic program and carry out a documentation and (micro) publication exercise about their residency with the CasaTresPatios team, complemented by a talk or workshop that the chosen artists develop when they return to Medellín.

The FLORA School includes seminars, visits and study groups, as well as a session in which the artists share experiences of their process.

The exercise of documentation and (micro) publication that artists implement with CasaTresPatios, allows them to learn to record and project their creative processes in the artistic and academic context of their city of origin.

The duration of this joint residency varies each year, as does the number of artists that can be awarded grants.


Open call - 2016

Joint residency scholarship for one (1) artist, arranged by FLORA and CasaTresPatios, with the support of Fundación Fraternidad Medellín.

  • Duration: 9 months. From March 1 to December 5, 2016.

  • Call closing date: February 15 - 11 pm

  • Artist profile: from Antioquia, up to 35 years old at the time of the closing of the call (February 15, 2016) of stratum 1, 2 or 3 that can be verified.

  • What does the scholarship include ?:

- A study / workshop, with all services included, for a period of nine (9) months. From March 1 to December 5, 2016.

- Participation in the Escuela FLORA study program, from March to December 2016.

- A monthly aid for housing and food of 1,600,000 COP for nine (9) months.

- Round trip tickets from Medellín to Bogotá.

  • What does the scholarship not include?

- Fees.

- Production budget.

* In the event that the artist requests it, FLORA will grant letters and certificates necessary to apply to other funds that cover expenses not included in the scholarship. In no case will FLORA apply to funds for these expenses, but the artist must do so.

  • What should the artist commit to?

-Use the studio at FLORA for a maximum of 9 months respecting the Agreement of wills that must be accepted and signed before the start of the residency.

-Acceptance and signing of an Agreement of Will which stipulates the rules, norms and considerations on the use of the studio and the works produced during the residency in accordance with current Colombian legislation.

-Attend all the activities of the FLORA School academic calendar, which includes study visits, seminars and study groups. In the event that the artist must be absent, the maximum period is two weeks and must be justified and announced one month in advance.

-Conceive a presentation with the results of the residency, in the same study at the end of the stay. FLORA will do everything possible to accommodate the needs of the project, as long as it does not violate the physical conditions of the space, or against the legal regulations in force in Colombia. In no case will FLORA produce exhibitions or award production money.

-To deliver monthly to CasaTresPatios and FLORA the contents of the documentation process. The contents must be in the form of texts (200 words) and 3 descriptive photographs of 300 px resolution that will be used for a micro publication.

-Deliver at the end of the residency a content (written, photographic, audiovisual or in whatever format is desired) that compiles and relates the experience of the residency.

-Have a socialization talk about your residency experience at CasaTresPatios, at the end of the residency period. a workshop or activity that participatively involves the Medellín community in the project, taking into account results and discoveries or new questions from the artist that were triggered by said experience.

  • What requirements must be presented to apply to this call?

Collect the following information in a .PDF FILE marked with the artist's name and that does not exceed 10 megabytes.

-A brief presentation of your previous work: describe the conceptual guidelines of your work in a maximum of 300 words, so that the jury can get an idea of ​​the topics that interest you, the general intentions of the work, the most used media, etc.

-Include a maximum of 5 images of recent work: send a brief dossier with five images of recent work with a brief description of each one as a caption. In the case of videos, these must be mounted on YouTube or Vimeo. That way the jury does not have to download it and thus ensures that there are no compatibility problems. In these cases, list the hyperlinks in the proposal document.

  • How should the application be submitted?

-Email subject: Fraternidad Medellín-CasaTresPatios / Name of candidate

-With a copy to the electronic addresses : and

-ONLY file to be attached: the .PDF with the information requested in the previous item.

  • NOTES:

FLORA and CasaTresPatios will publish a list of the projects received 4 days after the closing of the call.

The selected artists accept and authorize FLORA ars + natura to use photographic material of their work for dissemination and documentation purposes.

Participation in this call is the express manifestation of acceptance of the terms of the same in all its parts and of the jury's decision, which is final.

Finally, it is very important that:

- Do not send your files in separate emails.

- Gather all your documentation in a single PDF file.

- Clearly identify the files you send with your name.

- Do not send files that exceed 10 megabytes, and upload the videos

on Youtube or Vimeo.

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