Ramon Sanguesa
Date: July 2015
Residency theme: Critical integration: identity, knowledge, data and the city.
Website: http://ramonsanguesa.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramonsang
Researcher in the areas of art, science, technology and design. "From technology I became interested in social innovation and creativity. I am passionate about what is not but can become in art, science, technology, design."
Residence project
Ramon is interested in "sharing with the current residents of Casa Tres Patios (Ingrid Vranken and Iván Chaparro) and other participants from the Medellín environment, a methodology of approach to Critical Making, detached as far as possible from technological conditioning factors and oriented towards its epistemological role and useful for the creation of interventions that affect the public ".
"The proposed approach is to focus on either the artistic projects developed by the residents of Casa Tres Patios." Ramon also considers addressing the concept of "Intelligence" that is handled in "Medellín Ciudad Inteligente" or the concept of "Digital Memory" that can be worked on in connection with a previous proposal on memory, Alzheimer's and digital culture.
Investigative and creative exercises
"The city and YOUR data" - http://www.thecityandyourdata.net/
This critical technological practice proposes studying the cities within the city, to establish a new awareness of citizens regarding the city and its relationship with the new operations on individual virtual identities.
From the concept of identity extension in the virtual , the perceptions, emotions and reactions of those who, at every moment, either through their cell phones or other technical devices, distribute their own personal data (location, interests, movements, relationship with others, conversations) in their movements around the city.

What is going to be done in this project?
Invite to share people's feelings about what their mobiles do as they move around the city.
Create a map of emotions about the places where the cell phone / mobile lets the data go in the city.
Open it to anyone who wants to explore it and create with it: artists, scientists, designers, technologists and anyone who has an interest.
In which cities of the world?
Medellín, Barcelona, Amsterdam, London, Bogotá, Madrid, Rome, Sao Paulo, Brussels, Berlin and Boston.
Who collaborates?
Three Patios House
How to take part?

Virtually: you can answer this form ("How do you feel?")
With QR code , using the camera of your mobile / cell phone to answer the form.
Distributing the QR code of The City and your Data in your city so that others can participate wherever they find them. Here you have it .
Participating in the psychogeographic drifts organized by the café team in various centers of your city.
Places in Medellín where you can find the posters of the City and YOUR data>
Parks Libraries La Quintana
Guayabal Library Park
October 12 Library Park
San Cristobal Library Park
NN project
Collaborative - Explora Park
On these days
Creative process, referents, participation, expansion and arrangement of ideas

Presentation of the project with Ivan Chaparro, resident at Casa Tres Patios which is being developed by Bulla Lab, a sound laboratory with participants from the Moravian Cultural Development Center.
Date: Thursday, July 16.
At the end of the afternoon of this day, this first inquiry was carried out with the objective of "observing how people appreciate information about what happens with their personal information."
Upon arriving at Casa Tres Patios, Ramon invited the participants to ask and respond on post-its: How do you feel?
This exercise was also repeated when the talk ended, in order to identify, in Ramón's words, " how the presentation of the information has influenced the emotional sphere of the participants ."

Tool for the graphic representation of emotions and feelings.
Note taken from Ramon's blog
(Friday, July 17):
"After many tests, I believe that I opted for the" Circumplex " that I will adapt to the Spanish terminology.
Active-inactive, nice-nasty poles are helpful.
Now to think about the color scale, to use in future visual representations. At a minimum, it allows working with intensities and distinctive colors.
It will give for various icons on the map and other visualization variations that will allow playing with color codes ".

Effects of Cu BO.X on Ramon's creative process, or the effects of Ramon's creative process on Cu BO.X
Ideas - questions - possibilities
"To what extent is this relationship between data and identity not conspiratorial reasoning? How is it related to public space? How important is this really, given that people do not value privacy as much as they used to? Also, For giving something, they offer you a lot: connectivity, etc., is this bad? The public is not completely up to date with the discriminatory consequences that this “government by algorithms already has. The problem is difficult to see and to materialize. Is it going to be done given what there is? How does this project connect with Iván's? "