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Natalia Giraldo


  • Residence period: April-May 2016

  • Topics for experimentation: History from a female perspective


  • Website: n / r



Master in Plastic Arts from the National University of Colombia, Medellín headquarters 2012. Deserving of recognition by the Government of Antioquia through the Departmental Hall of Visual Arts 2012 award and the Fourth Call for Creative Talent Stimuli 2014. Receives mention in the Biennial Comfenalco Departmental in 2012. He made his first international artistic residency in 2011, in the city of Boston Massachusetts, sponsored by the PBM scholarship (agreement between the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín headquarters and Emerson College); He executed two other residencies in 2014, the first in Santa Elena Antioquia at the Campos de Gutiérrez Foundation, and the second in Cúcuta at the La Vuelta residence, the latter with the sponsorship of the Museo del Norte del Santander. He has exhibited in spaces such as the MUAA in 2010, Casa Tres Patios 2010, Bellas Artes 2011, Sala U 2012, Institute of Culture and Heritage of Antioquia 2012 and 2014. Museo del Norte del Santander, Cúcuta Colombia 2014. Universidad del Tolima 2015. Museum of Antioquia 2015.

In the Cu BO.X


The experimentation proposal brought together techniques such as: experimental drawing, photography and installation; and conceptually delved into the reflection that has been developing on the history of women in the West, making visible the importance of their presence in time through the reinterpretation of the Greek myth of the Moiras; a story about three women, old spinning sisters, daughters of the night, in charge of weaving the thread by which destiny is governed, figures that allude to the limited and finite time typical of humanity.


I took up the myth mentioned above in a metaphorical way, relating it to the plot of the everyday, (everyday life represented by the thread of existence that the Moiras weave) that women make in the domestic space and that has had a determining influence on the history of being. feminine. In this sense, conceptually I summarize the domestic and everyday in the craft of weaving and in a simple and common material: salt. Symbol of home in most cultures around the world; a mineral that has a close relationship with human life, a reminder of our origin: the sea. Present in our bodies, in our fluids, in our tears.


From the above, with this residency, I explored the work of weaving and spinning, together with the symbolism of salt and the conceptions of temporality that will emerge from the union of these two aspects in the creation of drawings that simulate crochet knits. . In this sense, I find this residence as a creative impulse of new meanings, a possibility to experiment, to broaden the perspectives on femininity and the processes by which it is constituted in my artistic work. Finding new coordinates from which to map the feminine and draw alternative maps of gender relations.

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