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Maria Möller

  • Date: June 2015

  • Theme / project of the residency: Free Trade Agreement between artists from Medellín (Colombia) and Philadelphia (USA) - "75 ° West / 75 ° West" .


María Möller is an artist from Philadelphia, whose social work distills a narrative from the events and interprets how places can influence people's internal thoughts and collective hopes. His recent work is The House That Was Here (The house that was here), a sculptural installation that excavates the stories of a vacant lot in Philadelphia; Hexamer Redux , a reinterpretation of 19th century architectural documents to explore the risks created by deindustrialization; and CBD (Chinese Business District), which uses photography and installation to insert a visual memory into the built environment of what was once New Orleans' “Chinatown”.

Residence process and project
"75 ° West / 75 ° West", by María Möller and Daniel Urrea *.
* Daniel Urrea

Daniel Urrea is a cultural manager, artist and communication advisor from Medellín. His current projects are developed from collaborative work with an emphasis on urban activism, bicycle mobility, art and culture, to develop social processes of reconciliation and peace, and carry out small-scale, natural and sustainable productive projects with environment.

Member of:

  • House of Memory Museum

  • NN Project - Biciparques

  • Spezia Gourmet

75 ° West / 75 ° West is a collaboration between artists and inhabitants of these two cities located on the same longitudinal line, which aims to activate conversations and reflections on the impact of globalized free trade. This project is proposed by the artist-in-residence, María Möller, and by Daniel Urrea, cultural manager of the city of Medellín, who since May of this year have been expanding this process of reflection in their home cities that starts with questions such as:

"What do we want to give? What do we want to keep? What do we want to exchange, exchange, sell and buy? What do we value? How do we live in a globalized society while protecting what we value?"

Call for artists

To arouse and gather diverse perspectives on these questions in both cities, Daniel and María carried out an activity by public call that allowed the citizens of Philadelphia and Medellín to share images of their own artistic works that most represented them, accompanying them with brief and written statements. about what they value in their lives and their city.

The work received was printed in miniature, packaged in small plastic bags with a "ziploc" type seal (why this type of bags?) And exported by María Móller to Medellín in June 2015.

The objective of answering this question about what is valued was precisely to claim the importance of what is exchanged through international treaties, since it contains great implications in social and cultural terms.

Participating artists

See the complete list of artists from Philadelphia and Medellín who participated in the project here .

Jeffrey Stockbridge , Philadelphia, USA.

Workshop on FTA (Free Trade Agreement)

Another of the activities carried out from the project "75 ° West / 75 ° Oeste" in Medellín, was a workshop on NAFTA and its impacts on local economies, guided by Guillermo Correa from the Escuela Sindical Nacional and in which members of the Kolacho Hip Hop House.

Other exchange exercises in Medellín

Project exhibition at Casa Tres Patios
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