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Light Nadina


  • Residence period: March April-2017

  • Experimentation topics:   figure of the Flâneur




Luz Nadina focuses on research and creation based on the relationships between nature, culture and the city. It assumes artistic practice from community experience, sometimes in a participatory way, exposes current sociocultural and political reflections, rooted and understood from the appropriation of a culture of transformation for survival, which thus understands the dynamic culture as the one that it brings with it those new practices that affect the treatment and conception of our environment.

He is interested in creating an environment that incites the viewer to silent and careful reflection, which leads him to ask questions about nature, its culture and its responsibility with the space it inhabits. It shows from sculpture, installation, photography and participatory actions with the community, the importance of ecological awareness that different human groups should have, in order to create interventions that establish a constant dialogue with the viewer, about the territory and the environment that surrounds it, with a sensitive character capable of persuading its social environment about the natural impact.

Some conceptual strategies that I have used have to do with cultural dynamics, customs, collective forgetfulness and the importance of recognizing the responsibility of art within society.

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He sought to transform the way in which I experience the organic and the inert of the city, separating the construction from the interaction and the way of finding trivial information directly with people to behave like the French Flâneur that the writer Walter Benjamin dignified as an emblematic figure of the city. urban and modern experience.

He sought to re-learn and un-do, not in order to destroy, but to use other elements to experience the nature that exists in the city. And from archive and registry research, give depth to the subject of culture - our cultural practices with nature and its relationship with the city of today. Thus giving strength to own reflections experienced in walking and solitary, silent and particular work, and ask:


In what way does the nature of the city carry an aesthetic experience? Do plants carry an aesthetic experience?

How to become an outsider within the usual in the city?

How are reflections of culture, city and nature built from the experience as Flâneur?

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