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Human Rights

  • Contribute to the denaturalization of illegal and violent dynamics in the Eduardo Uribe Botero Educational Institution and in the homes of the participants, through a human rights approach. To achieve this, activities were developed that allowed us to delve into: what is a right, what is the violation of rights, what are the references and protection channels in the community, among others.



  • 200 boys, girls and adolescents, between 7 and 14 years of age from the Eduardo Uribe Botero Educational Institution (El Porvenir neighborhood, Rionegro municipality, Antioquia)

  • 4 months: August to December 2015.



In 2015 it was thought about applying the pedagogical methodology of the Foundation, which was in the process of consolidation, to different topics. In addition, we wanted to explore the idea of ā€‹ā€‹construction of subjects of law and the possibility of associating the Common Creation Laboratories with specific content such as Law 1098 - Code of Childhood and Adolescence. In other words, it was an opportunity to test the effectiveness of the methodology.






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