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Andrea Zuñiga

  • Date of residence: November - December 2019

About the Artist





Andrea Zúñiga Delgado is an artist and cultural agent from Neira, Caldas, Colombia. Passionate about the various ways in which we can generate and share knowledge from intimate, collaborative and transdisciplinary practices and reflections. Her work arises not only from her academic training but also from her participation and learning in independent initiatives that address individual and collective social problems, through strategies that arise from the encounter between contemporary arts, disruptive pedagogies, artistic mediation and feminisms. Sensitivity, critical awareness, dialogue and creative exercise are the central focuses of the processes that he has carried out and carries out with the Concienciarte collective, Las Profesionales, the Maleza collective and individually. After a series of processes, questions, actions and exhibitions around love, she is currently developing her project "Basic Kit of Incendiary Amorology", a box of conceptual, ritual and methodological tools to detonate a love revolution from a feminist ethics and politics.



During his residency he will develop the proposal "Random Challenges for a Loving Rebellion", a laboratory of creative exploration to collectively share, recognize, break down and de-construct different imaginary and loving practices typical of a dominant, hierarchical, violent and exclusive relational system. Within the framework of the residency, he hopes to form a loving research community in order to propose escapes, areas of exception, gestures and devices that can trigger actions of self-care, mutual support and solidarity from a questioning of the established notions of affection, pleasure, intimacy, trust, respect, desire ... that make possible a communal, empathic, horizontal and expanded understanding of love as an aesthetic and political defense against the apathy, comfortable privilege and abandonment typical of androcentric, neoliberal, patriarchal and colonial romantic love.

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