Guadalupe Chavez
Date of residence: July - August 2020
About the Artist
Mexican artist.
Teacher and Researcher, graduated from the University of Guanajuato with a degree in Plastic Arts, orientation in Photography. Currently, a teacher in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts, UNTREF. She is a teacher and artistic tutor of the "Mala Praxis" program, a transdisciplinary experimental platform at the intersection of Art, Science and Technology applied to the field.
educational, UNTREF. And in the Paredes Chair of Digital Image, Department of Visual Arts, UNA. Co-founder of the Electrobiota Collective and member of the Subaltern Geopoetics Laboratory, UNTREF.
Researcher in training since 2013, participating in the French-Argentine program INNOVART Arte e Innovación 2018-00. She was a beneficiary of the Program of Stimuli for Artistic Creation and Development by the State Fund for Culture and the Arts of Nayarit - 2011 and has received mentions and recognitions such as: Honorable Mention in Photography, Forum Cultural Guanajuato, Mx. Mention in
the 3rd Kosice Biennial, Latin America Edition; First place in the 2nd UNTREF Prize for Electronic Arts of the UNTREF.
His artistic practice draws ties with plant life from ancestral worldviews, the affective ties of relationships
interspecies and cultural biology. Carrying out a series of practices, exhibitions, workshops and talks for families and adults.
Faced with the uncertainty of what will come and the current challenges of our human societies when we recognize that we are vulnerable due to disease and the imprint of confinement in our bodies and in the heart of our homes; I wonder, can it be conjured
a common space from plant resilience?
With this in mind, I adhere to my intention to open a circle of words that reveals experiences around the bonds that are built with companion plants, and the well-being that they provide in a therapeutic way in these moments. From here I know
it gives off an ancestral legacy in a vegetal key, which stimulates our natural ability to heal ourselves by working together with our immune system, our memories of pain and affections.
Interspecies dialogues relate a vision of the world or worlds that recognizes the inherent value of other forms of life besides human life, in all their biological and cultural interrelations, interdependencies and intimacies. They are exercises of looking at the other,
from empathy, the affective and emotional; Multiple interspecific relationships are present, definitely, some more innocent than others. These dialogues invite us to meet our companion species from sypoiesis1 to share stories of cohabitation and coexistence. In this instance, human exceptionality and the very categories of life are questioned, where species becomes a fictitious and diffuse categorization.
These interstices found between the various forms of life that coexist on Earth, seek to decolonize knowledge and being, territories, bodies, their emotions and imaginations. Attending to new ways of living and building knowledge in community
from the decentralization of languages and human cognitive processes.
From the ecology of knowledge, this space of relationships that I propose is located in a fluid and flexible environment where doing creative, technologies and telepresence emerge as strategies of action, creation and the search to recover our ability to heal ourselves in common.
Thus, with our gaze on the Earth, a feeling-thinking of the body takes root as the first territory of resistance, from sharing, doing and learning collectively.
1 “Symposis is a simple word, it means“ generate-with ”. Nothing is self-made, nothing is really autopoietic or self-organized. ... This is the radical implication of sypoiesis. Sympathy is an appropriate word for complex, dynamic, receptive, situated historical systems. It is a word to configure worlds together, in company. Sypoiesis encompasses autopoiesis, unfolding and extending it generatively.
Excerpt from: Donna J. Haraway. “Get on with the problem. Generate kinship in the Chthuluceno ”.
2 Marie Bardet, “Making worlds with gestures”.