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Antonio Puri

  • Date of residence: March -April- August 2017

Residence project
"Attachment / detachment"





In the first days of March 2017, Casa Tres Patios received Antonio Puri as part of its residency project within the framework of New Relations with Capital, a topic that the foundation has embraced since 2016 for the development of its Pedagogy, Practice and Thought programs (research).

This artist, born in Chandigarh, India, grew up in the Himalayas and at age 17 he moved to the United States where he studied Art at the Academy of Art in San Francisco and Coe College Iowa, and obtained his law degree from the University of Iowa.

Puri's work is born from a personal expression that seeks to question and propose a world free of labels, physical and mental borders. He constantly compares and points out the connections between his eastern roots and his western experiences and the relationship he finds between the microscopic and the cosmic. He has chosen Medellín and C3P to carry out the thirteenth edition of the event he created in 2008, called Art4Barter (Art in barter) which, in turn, is part of a great project called "Unreligare" which can be translated as "Without religion" "No dogma" "No strings attached" in a broader sense.

The first Art4Barter experience was carried out in the environment of the 2008 financial crisis in the USA, a consequence of the collapse of the real estate bubble that had been created since 2006, and which we have seen spread throughout the world, accentuating the global food crisis; the exchange of art and artistic skills for a wider range of resources such as other knowledge, services, objects, spaces, trips, goods, products, experiences, etc. constitutes one of the solving initiatives born in response to the intensification of capitalist imbalances, it means a practice of independence from a system in continuous crisis. Although it is initially aimed at artists, it is designed with a focus on its replicability in all trades and professions, and its ambition is to make known a tool that is beginning to be explored repeatedly throughout the world: barter, an initiative of new exchanges to improve the quality of life in unworthy times for 99% of the world's population.

One of the most interesting concepts of this exchange is that the monetary factor is not the basis of the valuation of the works, the monterio price changes due to the priorities or personal interests that the artist wants to cover with his piece, for example, a sculpture You can have on your label a number of miles to travel, the layout of a book, a dental treatment, the management of your virtual community, products of daily utility and of course, more art; the list is as long as human creativity.


This commitment has been pleasantly welcomed by C3P since it acts in coherence with the New Relations with Capital research, and its focus in 2017: La Urbe, which is oriented in the study, analysis and visibility of the various currents that redefine our way of understand and manage what we know as capital (knowledge, technology, productive capacity, economic resources, education, power, information, culture, art, etc.)


Puri's residency was divided into three parts, the first of which was in March when the artist curated about 20 works by local artists whose work is recognized in the medium, and who will participate in Art4Barter in August.

All the artists had a photograph of the face that interprets the idea of ​​"Attachment (impediment)", by wrapping a rope in it according to the interpretation of the concept of tie that the artist would like to express. This collection of photographs will be part of the exhibition and performance "Attachment / detachment" that will be part of his second residency at C3P.

The third and last part of the residency will be in August, when Art4Burter will finally take place, an exchange in which Antonio Puri curates the works and C3P lends its spaces for the event that will feature the best selection of works by local artists. united by a common denominator: to be essentially art, to make people feel. It will be an opportunity to discover our contemporary art like never before, all those who want to exchange a trade, a knowledge, an object or any other resource, are invited for works of art. In times when the economic system has so many shortcomings and imbalances, this is an alternative that gives importance to common needs and the fact of being able to supply them through human creativity, union and exchange.

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