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Amélie cabocel

  • Date of residence: July - August 2017

Residence project





Amélie Cabocel is a French artist who decided to approach photography and especially art as a testimony of the reality that accompanied it. From a very young age he felt an affinity for images, but especially for bodies and the human figure. While at the University he realized that his style was being represented by the human and that was how he was defining his subject of study. Looking for the visible and the invisible of human bodies and in the social body. One of the precepts that his work conceptualized is that society is very normative and when one begins to be outside the norm, one begins to be more invisible. Conclusion you have reached with your work. His work has been published several times (in Libération, for example) and has been presented at festivals (Les Instants vidéo, Marseille) and at various exhibitions (Nuits Blanche, Saint-Denis; Maison de la photographie Robert Doisneau, Gentilly; Synesthésie, Mois from the Photo of the Grand Paris, Saint-Denis).


During her residency at C3P, Amélie will investigate the relationship between images produced in the context of capitalism (advertising, traditional cinema, show-business, tabloid, media, etc.) and their influence on bodies.


Today, images occupy a dominant place in the public and private space and therefore in our daily lives, especially in metropolises where advertisements proliferate to the point of sometimes blurring the distinction between reality and fiction; Real and ideal; Uniqueness and uniformity.


How do the images of the media and, more broadly, the images that capitalism transmits affect bodies? Media images convey standards and stereotypes that deeply affect bodies and minds: how and why do these images have an impact on the representation of oneself, on the appearance and being of someone? These two questions are the starting point for the investigations that Amélie will carry out at Casa Tres Patios.

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