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Alexander jaramillo

  • Period of residence: August - September 2014

  • Experimentation topics:   "As a bird".


In the CuBO.X

Bird's eye flight

I hope you come, at the end of February and in March, when the landscape is hazy from the burning of the fields; in April when the first rains make the mountains clear; in May of butterflies and flowers; in June there is nothing special apart from being the month I love the most; in July, that of the golden and silver dawns; in August, whistling hurricanes, avocados and love; in September of humidity and tarantulas; in October that smells like coffee and is hopeful; in November, of the dead and thick mists, and in December adventurous and in January of a walk and blue sky.

… The hummingbird

Already the question of what the territory is has been solved with the passing of time and with the daily life, now another emotion and another disposition underlies, that of Being a territory. I reviewed various dimensions that contradicted the map, the physical space and they entered me in the search for possible imaginaries that linked the complexity of man with the forms of life in everyday life, now I intend to re-know a place, the place as a lived, built territory from the everyday, because “walking has produced architecture and landscape, and that this practice, almost forgotten by architects, has been reactivated by poets, philosophers and artists, capable of seeing what does not exist and making it appear some of it. [1]

The territory as a reflective principle of a reality led me to explore in the graphic process a space of representation that allowed the presence of signs and symbols, which alluded to that terrain that builds the notion of the political, because it dimensions the complexity of man and not It reduces it to the existence of being a man. Today the search in that construction of being a man and territory focuses on everyday life as a construction element that is woven, like a bird making its nest, to give an account of the sense of territory.

[1] Careri, Francesco. Walkscapes Walking as aesthetic practice, editorial GG, page13, 2003 edition.

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