Natalia Perez
Residence period: July-August 2016
Experimentation topics: Communicate science from the point of controversy
Industrial Designer (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia, 1999). Master in Architecture, art and ephemeral spaces (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, 2002). She has worked as a designer of interior and commercial spaces, as well as Design of museographic exhibitions for the Parque Explora science museum and Museo del Railroad of Antioquia. Winner of the 2009 Design Project award for the best project of the year and for interior spaces of the Parque Explora Museum aquarium. She is co-author of the book Inventory and analysis of popular typographic representation: image of technology- Doxography (Medellín, 2013). Author and speaker at academic events related to design, communication of science and technology. She is currently an assistant professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in the industrial design program and is a candidate for a doctorate in Design and Creation at the University of Caldas, Colombia .
In the Cu BO.X
He carried out different activities around finding other ways of communication and the link between the public and science. The idea started from communicating science not from the phenomenon, but from the controversy and therefore criticism. Thus, the experimentation started from shaping and materializing speculative discourses on the possible scenarios to which these matters of scientific controversy (eg genetically modified organisms) led to function as suggestive statements and, from which, not only the discussion is incited, but also the creative provocation in the public by its own speculative composition on this matter. In this way, the discourse with which communication begins is refreshed in each new discursive creation of the public and, from this provocative interaction, perhaps the forms of connection to science can be expanded by interfering with the cultural, social and political sphere.