Maria Collado
Date of residence: September 2017
Website / blog: https://mariacolladoweb.wordpress.com
Residence project
Trained in the arts at the academy, I try to detach myself from institutional knowledge by listening to the voices of contemporary culture and art, experiencing feminism as a way of thinking, rethinking and being in the world. I reflect on new ways of transmitting knowledge through curatorship and cultural management and for this reason I research, write and participate in projects whose critical stance intervenes in power relations in society and in art.
Contemporary culture, feminism and curatorship. My interests as a researcher of contemporary art and feminism are focused on social discourses, new modes of production and the creation of synergies with different agents and disciplines. As a curator, I develop projects and texts that address the problems of the ideological influence of the system in artistic manifestations. I have been part of research groups, written and coordinated issues in publications and managed cultural events and exhibitions of an institutional and independent nature. As a teacher, I have given non-formal education workshops with adults and adolescents at risk of social exclusion.
With a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, a master's degree in Feminist Research, Cultural Analysis and Development at the same University and a master's degree in Museology from the Ibero-American Institute of Museology, I have trained inside and outside the academy in cultural management and curatorship.
Investigation action
Her proposal is an investigation of feminist activism in local art and culture in order to create a public archive.
I would like to make different tours of the artistic panorama of the city of Medellín, through interviews with artists and activist cultural agents, visits to spaces and attendance at workshops and events where a feminist and activist artistic practice is developed, always from a methodology directed from this thought . The search that I would like to carry out focuses on those public manifestations that, from art, aim to make a social and political critique of gender issues and the established patriarchal ideology.
The disciplines of my interest are those that exceed the limits of the market and therefore do not belong to it, public actions, collectives, urban art, work groups with feminist perspectives that are developed from creativity.
One of the focuses of this research is to find the limits between artistic intervention and activism, the use of metaphor and symbol as a construction of meanings, the difference between art validated by the institution and actions that impact audiences. out of the white cube.