Residence project
"Nonprofessional artist"
Luciana's work in the last 5 years revolves around the methods of presentation and dissemination through which art circulates, on the artistic discourse when navigating territories of massive diffusion (tv - internet) and its critical and didactic role.
He is interested when contemporary art, one of the most exclusive and impenetrable cultural industries, opens up to a non-specialized public and at times becomes a popular and massive phenomenon (text about it>). The contemporary artist immersed in celebrity culture, generates followers from unexpected origins and gets into the game of mass fashions and fan culture.
For Casa Tres Patios Luciana inquired about the idea of the "nonprofessional artist"
Non-professional artist
-He does not express himself well in public.
-Makes inappropriate jokes.
-Does not pursue institutional validation.
-Flee from social events, or get drunk at them.
-He does not know which are the most important agents in the artistic field, nor is he interested.
-It does not have clear definitions or purposes.
-He asks himself questions, doubts. Change styles, media, cities. Experiment and fail, and fail again.