Inter-institutional research group
Residence period: July-September-2018
Experimentation topics: corporeality and education
Inter-institutional research group
The project is made up of three research groups: Studies in Body Education (University of Antioquia), Education, Society and Peace (University of Medellín); and research group on Conflict and Peace (Universidad de Medellín).
The groups are based on a specific interest: corporeality oriented towards education and coexistence, which has as one of its objectives the formation of diverse audiences. They are also linked by belonging to a national-international network of researchers on the body and corporeality. The everyday is related to the sensible and practices such as writing, weaving and, in general, relationships with the other structure the conceptual apparatus of this joint project that starts from participation and showing themselves as individuals.
In the Cu BO.X
The proposal: Educate in times of coexistence: corpo-realities in the classroom.
Faced with the historical moment of the country that we are living today, and the governmental and municipal development of the Policies of Coexistence and Education for Peace, it is interesting to know what it means to be together in the classroom, taking into account what happens between corpo-realities during teacher training processes. This matter implies de-constructing the pedagogical knowledge that has constituted us and testing other modes of relationship in the experience of teaching and learning, vindicating the power of the body to act in the displacement from an education of the other to an education of ourselves to finally offer an ethical and political response in times of post-conflict, enriching discourses and educational practices that affirm life from coexistence.
There is no doubt that education can help reduce economic, social and ethnic polarizations, promote growth and equitable development, build a culture of dialogue instead of violence, and, especially, form subjects from otherness; as evidenced by multiple local and international experiences. Therefore, the contributions of this research are directed both to social life and to the role of the teacher in the processes of improvement of educational quality, beyond the standards and competencies, it is proposed to attend from the actors themselves, the proper (trans ) formative in classroom contexts as “zones of experience”.
Educate in times of coexistence
Final socialization