Daniel Valencia
Period: June to November 2018
CasaTresPatios area in which he participated: Artistic Practices - Curating.
Student of the Metropolitan Technological Institute (ITM), in the Faculty of Visual Arts. He is currently in the tenth semester. The program has been characterized as a hybrid between artistic practices and art theory, giving more emphasis to the curatorial and museum fields. Due to this, he has generated great empathy for research and written work. The extended essay you are taking (grade requirement) addresses the different representations of the body in violent contexts. This theme has a direct relationship with the curatorial line that Casa Tres Patios has been working on since 2016, New Relations with Capital , which is also complemented by its new aspect directed within the same motive, Knowledge about power and peace .
For Daniel, having chosen this place as the ideal place for his practices is because many of the elements of curatorial research can be useful for his personal process, in addition to strengthening his writing and text creation skills. This is due to their role in the curatorship department, which consists (mainly) of accompanying the processes of the artists in residence and writing about their stay and the projects they generate. It is also important to emphasize the references that are acquired and the connections that are generated with people from other disciplines, which substantially enrich their professional development.
Projects carried out during your professional practice
Daniel Valencia accompanied, recorded and documented the residencies of Roc Domingo (artist, Spain), Federico Ortegón (artist, Colombia), the inter-institutional group Universidad de Antioquia-Universidad de Medellín (academics, Colombia), and Santiago Rueda (curator, Colombia) . The texts produced by him on these experiences were very outstanding and contributed to the construction of a critical archive of the C3P residences. Likewise, Daniel collaborated extensively in museum work for events such as the 12th Annual C3P Auction and the Archive Material exhibition. His experience in this field was a great benefit and support for the Foundation. Daniel also supported the process of selecting and contacting established artists for the auction, as well as the call for emerging artists. Daniel was a great support for the communications area, for his writing and synthesis skills. The quality of his work was remarkable, as well as his punctuality and responsibility.