"Attachment / Detachmet"
Antonio Puri
In the first days of March 2017, Casa Tres Patios received Antonio Puri as part of its residence project within the framework of New Relations with Capital. Theme that the foundation has embraced since 2016 for the development of its Pedagogy, Practices and Thought (research) programs.
Antonio is an artist born in Chandigarh, India, grew up in the Himalayas and at age 17 he moved to the United States where he studied Art at the Academy of Art in San Francisco and Coe College Iowa, and earned his law degree from the University of Iowa.
Puri's work is born from a personal expression that seeks to question and propose a world free of labels, physical and mental borders. He constantly compares and points out the connections between his eastern roots and his western experiences and the relationship he finds between the microscopic and the cosmic.
Since 2016, Antonio Puri, after working in other countries, has settled in the city of Bogotá. This is how he has arrived at Casa Tres Patios with a barter proposal where he will bring his idea of Art4Barter to Medellín in the month of August, inviting recognized artists from the local scene, curators, gallery owners, designers, indigenous people, citizens in general to perform this event. And Casa Tres Patios welcomes, manages and supports his work Attaching Detaching.
Attaching Detaching is a series of photographs and a performance where the artist calls for reflection on the attachments and detachments around the being in the artist's words “It is an action that calls for those who want to use skin as clothing and on it represent their idea of tie, either with ropes or other material that instead interprets the concept ”. People of different races and nationalities have participated in this action, where each person creates their own bond. This work is a reflection to transcend individuality to uniqueness. Attaching Detaching will take place on April 27 at Casa Tres Patios.
Art4Barter is the second part of the exchange that Puri holds with C3P, an event that was born in the middle of the 2008 financial crisis in the United States, a consequence of the collapse of the real estate bubble . Puri wondered about the intensification of inequality and imbalances stemming from the current market model and in the midst of this panorama, he found another way to face the situation posed by the capitalist system. Through a practice that would allow the independence of a system destined to collapse. This is how it proposes the exchange of art and artistic skills for a wide variety of goods and services, an alternative that has not yet been potentiated in the artistic field.
In this way, the thirteenth edition worldwide of Art4Barter (Art in barter) will take place at Casa Tres Patios, an event that in turn is part of a great project by Puri called “Unreligare” which can be translated as “Without religion” “ Without dogma ”“ Without ties ”.
Although the event is initially aimed at artists, gallery owners and curators, all those who want to exchange a trade, a knowledge, an object for works of art are invited. The main objective of Art4Barter in C3P is to publicize a practice that is beginning to be explored repeatedly throughout the world and in Medellín; barter as an action that strengthens interaction networks between those who participate in a transaction, which questions the monetary system, establishes a new scale of value where the priorities, interests, and emotions of those who participate prevail. For example, a sculpture is given in exchange for miles to travel, the layout of a book for a photograph, among others, the list is as wide as human creativity.
This commitment has been welcomed by C3P in relation to the study, analysis and visibility of the various currents that redefine our way of understanding and managing what we know as capital (knowledge, technology, productive capacity, economic resources, education, power, information, culture , art, etc.). In times when the economic system has so many shortcomings and imbalances, this is an alternative that gives importance to common needs and the fact of being able to supply them through human creativity and exchange.